Managers are responsible for tangible results in organizational objectives through people. They achieve this through effective delegation, which is a key management empowering tool. One of the serious problems of our time is delegating effectively. Many managers fail to delegate effectively because they comprehend wrongly the definition of the word. Let’s hear the definition of delegation:
“Delegation is the assignment of any authority to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of management leadership. However, the person who delegated the work remains accountable for the outcome of the delegated work.” – Wikipedia
“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.”
– John C. Maxwell, American author
Delegation is the process of maintaining and creating effective working arrangements between a manager and his subordinates. Delegation results when the performance of specified work is entrusted to another, and the expected results are also mutually understood.”
All effective managers would welcome the opportunity to delegate whenever possible. Yet the fact remains that this is one of the most misused and mishandled of the management functions. Failure to delegate keeps you from moving forward, and it undermines the morale of subordinates who, because of your stagnant situation, are also held back in their own accomplishments.
Poor delegators are shun upon in dynamic firms. You will be seen as a person not caring for others, looking out only for yourself, and, in fact, a weak leader. Jealousy and mistrust spring from such attitudes. Diligent and responsible staff will feel that their careers have been obstructed by the lack of increased responsibility. They may feel that you have judged them unfairly, and they can begin to question your competence as a leader.
Failure to delegate can truly dent a whole department. In view of this, why then do so many managers overlook or disregard this vital function?
There are several reasons. Here are some:
They perceive the subordinate is not ready to handle the assignment.
They fear opposition from their subordinates.
They are afraid of losing any acclaim and recognition.
They are afraid their faults and weaknesses will be exposed.
They feel they won’t meet the deadlines
They feel they cannot train and develop their subordinates in time.
Insecurity and distrust
These reasons may appear to be a good argument for not delegating if you rationalize the situation to make it fit to your inclination. However, when you candidly analyse them, you will see how each of them, in truth, points up personal psychological, leadership or management shortcomings which actually underline the need for effective delegation. Indirectly, effective delegation is also a form of training, motivation and succession planning efforts.
Harban Singh – Global Trainer, Consultant and Motivator. He specializes in Human Resource, Leadership and Soft Skills programs. He can be contacted at harbansingh88@gmail.com or +60127271918